Until now fiber optic has been used by skilled installers, but as FTTH is taking place, even common users start to deal with it.
Italian main provider TIM pointed out a safety problem: with the actual SC/APC adapters there’s no way to avoid unwanted disconnections of the fiber optic cable.
This problem can lead to various complications: interruption of the connection, lack of protection for the ferrule and the SC/APC adapter and harm risk for children who look through the ferrule while optical beam still passing.

Telecom & Security, together with FAIT, has transposed the problem and design a modification to the SC/APC adapter: a flexible retaining element on top of its surface edge allows the connector to be secured in place once it’s inserted.
With this innovative solution accidentaly and unwanted disconnections of the cable aren’t possible, unless a tool or a particular release maneuver is applied.
We called this new SC/APC adapter Easy Lock.
We presented Easy Lock to the General Meeting IEC in Shangai and it’s in the process to become an international standard.
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