Technological innovation often means simplicity and Telecom & Security, which has always made it its own guideline, is firmly convinced that progress also passes by simple actions, such as using a pair of scissors.
The urgent need for all the countries to modernize their own infrastructure is urgent in this sense the big telecommunication players all over the world are moving to take action.

Telecom & Security fits into this context by proposing technological innovations that can guarantee advantageous implications for all stakeholders in the optical fiber world.
With its research and development department, Telecom & Security has identified the difficulties, the critical points and the stages of the process of creating FTTH systems that could be improved.
As a result, it was found that these processes could be undertaken ensuring maximum quality without the use of expensive devices such as splicers (with which the highest quality can’t be ensured) and with no necessity for installers to have particular skills in the field
This led to the creation of a system, currently patent pending, that is able to supply the fiber patchcord already connectorized in factory.
Easy Fiber brings the innovative idea that the SC/APC connector can be completed, once towed inside the house, in less than 30 seconds.
Just a pair of scissors will be needed having the sole purpose of cutting the towing system letting the splicer to become a distant memory.
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